Lindo Can Hear
Lindo sat alone at the table as the small group of visitors entered the Welcome Centre. As Ruth Boys, who was conducting the tour, introduced her to the group, Lindo hugged Ruth and grinned from ear to ear. Her eyes darted from the floor to the group and back to the floor again as she shimmied in her chair displaying a bit of uneasiness. Despite her shyness – she never uttered a word – the smile never left Lindo’s face.
It was obvious there was something extra special about Lindo. Ruth went on to explain that Lindo has a hearing impairment and learning disabilities. It was in that moment when a heart connection was made. Monique van Haaren was among the group of visitors that day, and she knows all too well what it’s like to have a hearing impairment. She’s been deaf since she was a little girl but, with the help of hearing aids, she can hear sounds she would otherwise never hear. After Monique returned to the Netherlands, she couldn’t get Lindo out of her mind. “What if she could hear?” she often wondered. “What if I could help her to hear?”
Monique learned that Lindo’s hearing impairment was nearly identical to the type of hearing loss she had suffered as a child. All at once, her mission became clear. She worked with a team in Bulembu to prepare a mould of Lindo’s ears and then took the moulds to a facility in her town where the same settings as Monique’s hearing aids were used in making Lindo’s.
Lindo now has her own hearing aids and is, perhaps for the first time in her life hearing the laughter of the other children, raindrops tapping on the window, cars motoring down the street, and even her own voice. The hearing aids will undoubtedly help her continue to learn how to live independently although it’s unlikely she’ll be able to live alone. The 18-year-old loves to work in her vegetable garden and enjoys art and Friday night youth group. She continues to live in the Welcome Centre where she will likely stay. The social workers who interact with her have said the hearing aids have made a tremendous difference in her communication skills allowing for even more improvements in socializing, which can be a tremendous challenge for someone who is learning to adjust to a new world of sounds.
Monique’s desire for Lindo is that she is able to hear music and learn what listening to music can do for her. Music is what opened the door for Monique to come to Bulembu. And her hope is to be able to return to Bulembu so she can finally hear Lindo’s voice and so that Lindo can hear the voice of the one who helped her hear.
By: Theresia Whitfield
Monique van Haaren
I did it with all my love!!!!! Love you Lindo!
Brenda Shaneyfelt
Blessings on you, Monique……a true gift of love from your heart……Theresia, thanks for sharing this beautiful story……thankful for the friendship of you and Monique…….we never would have known what was ahead of you two when you were planning your trip to Bulembu……The Grace of God was covering both of you……Thankful, I am….
A story of love, faith and selfless commitment to help others. Sometimes God allows us to have problems so that we, first of all, can know that He will solve them, then to enable us to use our experience to help others. It would seem this is the case with Monique and Lindo. Monique – blessings to you for allowing God to use you in such a meaningful way. Theresia, once again, thank you for keeping us aware of the many wonderful miracles and blessings that the “angels” are delivering to the people of Bulembu.
Clifton Murray
This is simply incredible. Im so moved by the story and by Moniques willingness to take action once she saw what she had to do. You are my new inspiration and im just so touched by your generosity and spirit. Thank you for sharing this story Theresia and thank you Monique for having the courge and the will to follow through and truly make a difference in the life of someone who needed help and love.
Bulembu Ministries Swaziland
Thanks for the comment, and yes, God bless both Monique and Theresia for all they are doing!