End of Year Celebration – Primary School
Imagine being transported back in time to the very first Christmas – the day Jesus was born! A time machine is all you’d need, right? What could possibly go wrong? Well, you might end up in the wrong era!
Such was the story depicted by the primary school children for their end of year production at Bulembu Christian Academy. The tale centered on a professor and his assistant who wanted to transport themselves back in time but something with their machine goes terribly awry. Instead, they end up in a rock and roll era. The children, from Grade 1 through Grade 6 participated in most of the program but ultimately included all of the children from the school. As Michelle Loubser, Principal of the Primary School explains, “The aim of our productions is to include everyone. So, the final scene involved all 236 students, including staff!”
The production, which was held at the end of November, required more than a month of rehearsals. Students were acquainted with 50’s themed music by watching videos and even choreographed to that style of dancing.
Through all the grooving and be-bopping, the professor and his assistant concluded that ending up in the wrong era wasn’t really a bad thing. They came to realize that no matter what “time” you find yourself in, the Christmas message remains the same: Christ bringing hope into our world.
By: Theresia Whitfield