Bulembu Profiles

#BulembuProfiles David Mavuso

I’m that crazy guy who wants to bring things that seem unrealistic into reality.

David Mavuso is a born innovator. He is a graduate of the high school class of 2017. After he finished high school he interned in the electrical department for ten months while he waited for an opportunity in IT to open up. In October 2018 an opportunity opened at the Luke Commission to intern as an IT specialist. Now he has returned to Bulembu to continue working in our IT department with Dan Smart and Mancoba Magongo.

“I’m just beginning in programming now, but I have a big dream to move completely away from paper,” he says. His “big dream” is to own his own software development company in Eswatini focused on data collection. “The trouble with paper is that it takes up a lot of space, and is also not efficient in archiving.” Paperless data collection will improve archiving, filing and retrieval systems, and the efficiency of day-to-day functioning. The journey is beginning in Bulembu working alongside Dan Smart and taking online courses in programming and networking.

When asked to describe himself, he says he is “that crazy guy” innovator who wants to bring things that seem unrealistic into reality. IT in Eswatini is an open field with numerous opportunities for those who are diligent, determined, and willing to leave their comfort zones. He is a walking example of those attributes, and other Bulembu values of initiative, courage, and teachability.

He has an exciting journey ahead! To follow his journey, and for ways to connect with him, contact kp@cmswazi.org for more information.