Bulembu Profiles

Volunteers in the Spotlight: Alyssa Doucett and Kate Clinch

“The opportunity to pour into the kids and be filled with their joy is incredible”

We are blessed here in Bulembu to have many volunteers of all ages from around the world. The children recently had their two week holidays and we were very blessed to have two young ladies from New Hampshire, U.S with us at this time, Alyssa and Kate. We asked them to share all about their trip.

Where are you from, and how did you hear about Bulembu?

Alyssa: I’m from New Hampshire, and I work at a special needs deaf school. I heard about Bulembu through Gordon College’s overseas missions program. I first came to Bulembu in 2016 as a team member on the Gordon team, and again in 2017 and 2018 as a team leader.

Kate: I’m also from New Hampshire and currently studying Elementary Education at Gordon College. I have a concentration in teaching English as a second language. This is my third time to Bulembu, the past two were with Gordon College, doing work projects in the mornings and children’s activities in afternoons.

How have your experiences compared to your expectations?

Alyssa: I had never been outside the US so didn’t know what to expect. You could say everything surprised me. I enjoy everything about Bulembu! More specifically how kind people are.

Kate: I was surprised with how different it was from how I pictured, but also how familiar it felt at the same time. The more I come the more natural it feels to be here. There is so much to appreciate in this town. The kids, the community, the food, landscape–everyone is so friendly and the opportunity to pour into the kids is and be filled with their joy is incredible.

What activities and projects have you been a part of this time around?

Alyssa: We’re working together in the Catch-up program, planning and teaching extra lessons to primary school kids during their two weeks off school.

Kate: Yes, and part of that includes helping tutor the kids in their studies with some special attention the students with special needs.

Any advice you would give to someone considering volunteering?

Alyssa: It is a great opportunity to learn about an amazing culture and learn more about yourself. You should definitely come!

Kate: Definitely do it! It’s such a great learning experience and opportunity to pour into others as much as they pour into you.

If you’d like to look into volunteering here or want to recommend it to someone please see https://www.bulembu.org/visit-and-serve/ for information. You can also support our work by donating here:
