Sale of Bulembu Water
With hundreds of thousands of litres of water bottled, thousands of deliveries made, many jobs created, young adults trained and a loyal customer base built, Bulembu Water contributed as a successful enterprise for more than 12 years to our vision of sustainability.
Then came Covid-19, which brought about a sudden and enormous economic downturn in Eswatini. All hospitality businesses stopped buying water, individuals cancelled contracts and the retail sales dropped hugely. With our businesses in general taking a beating we could not afford to carry the losses for long so we were relieved when an entrepreneur made us an offer to purchase the business.
As of 1 December 2020 Bulembu Water, now known as Emlembe Water is now separately owned and operated by a third party.
All proceeds from the sale will be used towards the running costs of the newly established Essential Oils business. We are very thankful that the bottling plant will remain on Bulembu property ensuring that the quality of the water remains the same, and the brand continues to contribute to our sustainability through building rentals and employment.