Find out more about sponsoring a child in our Child Care Programme, and the further education of our high school graduates in our Tertiary Sponsorships.
Education is central to our vision to provide the Bulembu child with a hope and a future.
Our mission at Bulembu Christian Academy is to:
“Provide quality Christian education equipping the whole child to
reach their full potential
as Godly leaders at their own respective level.”
Bulembu Christian Academy does this by means of intentional input combined with personal example of the staff in order to equip the children of Bulembu to be critical thinkers, life-long learners and leaders of sound Christian character in Bulembu and across the nation.
We summarise our approach as being Swazi-Plus in that we avoid transplanting foreign values into Bulembu but rather aim to raise good Swazi citizens with good Christian values who can excel in this environment.
Bulembu Pre-Primary School Campus
Bulembu Pre-Primary School’s aim is to provide a relevant foundation to the child’s future learning by means of a combination of physical and semi-formal experiential activities for two to six years old learners. They participate in a daily well planned programme set up by a dedicated teaching staff. The Pre-School classes also partake in a variety of extra-curricular activities such as Art, Sports, Music, Dance, Young Farmers and Computers.
Bulembu Primary School Campus
Great learning combined with fun is the focus at the Primary School lead by dedicated staff. Learning is slightly more formalised, culminating in the pupils sitting for the external Swaziland grade 7 exams. The core study areas are covered as well as Agriculture, Computers, PE and Art. Extra-curricular activities in the form of clubs (choir, traditional dance, knitting, drama, table tennis and more) and sport, all support the vision of developing the whole learner. Entrepreneurship is not learned in the classroom but rather by raising chickens to fund nice-to-have extras.
Bulembu High School Campus
Bulembu High School children follow the Swazi Curriculum presented by a staff dedicated to see each pupil succeed. The pupils write two external exams namely JC and SGCSE. In addition to core academic subjects pupils participate in an international IT certification program as well as an invaluable Career Guidance program which exposes them to the reality of the working world. The High School offers a variety of sport activities including soccer, volley ball, netball, and athletics. They also offer a wide range of clubs including, music, debate, exercise dance, African dance, Mr Fix-It and more. Entrepreneurship is also learned practically as our young people raise chickens, host visitors with entertainment and a traditional meal, as well as fixing appliances to raise funds.