During the time of the Havelock Mine 15 hectares of fields at the East end of town were home to the Havelock Mine Golf Club. Today the fairways have been ploughed and replanted, the trees have been cut down, and the clubhouse gutted and renovated – all of it now home to Bulembu Dairy.
Renovations on the old Club House began in March 2009 and by the end of August, 25 cows had taken to pasture. Now, there are over 70 cows, and 10 employees who milk the cows twice daily seven days a week and process and pack the Emasi and milk for the market.
The approximately 15,000 litres of milk that are currently produced each month meets the Orphan Care Programme nutritional needs and the excess milk is sold to the local market as Emasi and is renowned for its rich creamy flavour.