In May 2019, Bulembu hosted the Expedition Africa Series Eswatini Adventure Race. We had two young adults participate in the race with the goal of raising funds for Royal Rangers, along with others from Bulembu including Brendan Perrott. We supported them as they ran, cycled and rowed their way through the 120km course in just over 24hrs.
The Perrott family encouraged Sabelo to follow his dreams, and following opportunities offered by the organisers Expedition Africa, Brendan, Melissa, and their children Evelyn and Colton, took Sabelo to the Expedition Africa Drakensburg race in November 2019. Speaking about Sabelo, one of his team mates said “He was in his absolute element during the day, whether it was running up mountains faster than any of us could manage or chatting to locals about soccer while we rode past. While his capacity to care seemed enormous, his smile was always even bigger. We had the pleasure to spend 18 hours racing with this incredible person, in hindsight I wish we took a little longer,”.
Sadly, on their return journey, all 5 were tragically killed in car accident. We at Bulembu Ministries are devastated at the loss of the Perrott family and Sabelo.
This year, in memory of their friends and family, several teams of young adults and staff from Bulembu will race in the Adventure Race Eswatini 120km, which is being dedicated to Bulembu Ministries.
Please support them as they train and prepare to race over 24 hours. Please designate your gift to the Perrott Family Memorial Fund available in the Designation dropdown menu.
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