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Bring hope to a child today. Orphaned and vulnerable children account for nearly one-fifth of Swaziland’s population due to one of the highest HIV/AIDS rate in the world. It may seem like an impossible task but you can be a part of the solution.
Bulembu Ministries and Challenge Ministries work directly with Swaziland Social Welfare to welcome children into our care program. Unlike other child sponsorship organisations, Bulembu Ministries is responsible for the total care of the child. We are the child’s family.
For sponsoring the further (tertiary) education of our Bulembu high school graduates, please see our Further Education Sponsorships page.
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Step 2
Note: Sponsorship rates have been set dependent on fees and currency exchange rate for that country.

Our Child Sponsorship Programme
Bulembu’s Child Sponsorship Programme is a way to support the Bulembu vision as the town works to rescue children, raise leaders and rebuild a community and a nation. Unlike other child sponsorship programs, Bulembu’s Child Sponsorship Programme goes beyond simply supplying essentials like food, shelter and clothing. Child sponsorship ensures long-term, sustainable solutions by providing holistic care directly to children in need.
100% of all sponsorship funds go directly towards the child, providing coverage for all aspects of the child’s life: monthly medical, food, caregiver, clothing and housing, and education. Bulembu’s Child Sponsorship Programme gives Swazi kids the opportunity to thrive, to just be kids and to emerge as leaders in their homes, work, community and nation. We at Bulembu believe every child deserves the chance to have an education and fulfil their dreams.
Becoming a Sponsor
We are proud to share the stories of the children and the work in Bulembu and Hawane and hope you become part of the journey with us. Our goal is to update sponsors on progress on a quarterly basis and to update a sponsor’s child profile annually, on our Child Sponsorship website.
Updates that a sponsor receives include photos, information, videos.